One man's view of the world, from the top of this great big rock somewhere in the middle of God's Country, with an eye toward freedom....or at least some way to get back down without goin' over the edge.

My Photo
Location: West Virginia, United States

Former U.S. Army, SPC E-4, Veteran of Operation Desert Storm. If you are or have ever been a soldier, you have friends in my house.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Introducing....The Tygrrrr Express

We've got a new friend over on the left there that I'd like you to meet.

He styles himself as the Black Tygrrrr, and seems like a pretty well-written guy for one who only started this whole blogging thing a few months ago. (But then, if he's good enough for Townhall, he's gotta be doin' something right.)

Ladies and gentlemen...The Tygrrrr Express, leaving the station pretty much whenever it suits him (but the trip's worthwhile, so what the hell?). Go on...hop on board for a spell.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Points of Interest: June 19, 2007

Florida Cracker, the grande dame of Gator country, starts things off for us with a rare gem indeed: a dumpy little cellphone salesman from Cardiff, Wales, who trudged onstage at the start of the English TV show "Britain's Got Talent" almost wishing he hadn't bothered, opened his mouth....and ended up taking the whole enchilada with an operatic tenor that left even Simon Cowell slackjawed. (She's got a clip of his first audition performance all ready and waitin' for ya. Give it a listen, and remember...he has had ZERO vocal training.)

Cousin Lem over at Hillbilly White Trash has his usual plethora of political pontifications to plow through, but also took time enough to point to an indication that all this political stuff really doesn't matter much that the end times are near. (The sign says it all.)

Sister Toldjah sounds off on (among other things) that dude in North Carolina (you know, the one who couldn't prosecute a rape case even if he HAD one), English war veterans being honored on the 25th anniversary of their victorious defense of the Falkland Islands (including what happened when a Tennessee gentleman met the Iron Lady herself), a few choice words for the BBC, and probably the most creative excuse the UN has to offer for the situation in Darfur. (Nope. You'll never guess it.)

Folks, the inestimable Greyhawk has gone back to the Big Sandbox. Go on...stop on by and give him some sugar. While you're there, go ahead and give Mrs. G's Dawn Patrol a good rolling through. There's more news there about the state of the GWOT than in a week's worth of any ten newspapers you could name. No lie.

And finally, raise a glass with me to the health of Matt Currier Burden and the crew of the good ship Blackfive, which celebrated its fourth bloggiversary yesterday. Good on ya, gents....and thank you for keeping the deeds and memories of our truest heroes alive and well. [CLINK]